
6, 300, 1000 and more?

What do you think this numbers are?
Be ready to be surprised.
When I knew it, I was really surprised.

Those numbers are how many boars are killed in Japan
as a harmful animal in each year. The first number 6 is
the data in 1994. The second number 300 is in few years ago
and last one 1000 is in last year.
It is really easy to understand the damages to crops
by boars are getting bigger and wider year after year.
I knew those numbers from my ex-boss’s blog.
He is a kind of educator to teach how great to stay in woods
to children. Therefore, he knows many things
related to nature.

I used to work as a volunteer under his instruction
for two months. That time was really joyful for me.
I learned many things there.

Anyway, what he wants is not only to inform us
the fact many boars are caught,
but also to suggest “We should eat them, if killing them.”
If you want to know more about this in detail, check here.
You can find the original article.

This article gives me a chance to think deeper about this issue.
Actually, I agree with him with no doubt. We should eat them.
I think killing boars without eating is a sin.
However, I had had no clear reason why I thought so
before knowing these numbers of boars killed in a year.
It is clear that killing other animals is to be satisfied
with predator’s apatite in natural system.
That is the one reason. However, I thought there is
another reason. That is, especially in my case, we thank
and pray for them by eating.
For example, my grandmother said whenever I eat fish
really cleanly, I mean just bones are left, my grandmother said
“they are pleased to be eaten cleanly.”
I also think the action to eat them let us lessen the sin
against killing animals.

What do you think?

I wrote the related article, hunting civil servants.
If you have a time, please read it.

I join in the blog ranking. There are many diaries uploaded.
Some of them are really hlepful to learn English.
English Diaries in Blog Mura is good place to search nice articles.

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