
About me

I already put some information about me on my profile.
However, it does not give you much detail.
Only about which coutnry I live, what my blood type is....
I actually think those personal infromation is important to know
a person. It is sometimes right that a blood type represents
characteristic. In my case, my blood type is AB.
Genelally, it is said that AB's people have two faces and
they are weird. Yeah, I have two faces ,so I am not good
to organize my thoughts. And, of course, I am weird!!
However, I also think that information is not enough
to know a person. If I were you, I would think that
what type of person wrote this post, what background of
this person was and whether or not I could trust what he said.
That is the reason I put this article "about me" on.

I am now 29 year's old and from Osaka, Japan.
I have a degree of computer science from the university in Osaka.
After graduation I went United States to pursue a master degree
in same area. However, I gave up for some reason.
I stayed the country for 4 years, including
one year for just studyin English to take enough score on TOEFL.
Now, My TOEIC score is 840...
This fact prove that just staying United States is not enought to
improve your English skill. Compaired with this,
I think staying in Japan and study hard is much better.

I am going to take a exam of USCPA on Feb 16th.
In order to be certified as USCPA, you need to pass four sections.
I already passed one.
I really want to pass the other three sections this time and
not to spend more money. Everytime to take this exam,
you need to visit United States, because the country is
only place we can take it.

Oh, just writing this article took long time. I stop writing here.
I will put more information later. See you soon.

I join in the blog ranking.
If you click on the following bunner, I would really appreciated.
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2 件のコメント:

  1. It's a great blog in English. I just started my blog a few days ago and found this blog through the blog ranking. Are you taking a CPA exam in a few days? Good luck! You've already passed one? Amazing. I am also planning to become a CPA in the futrure but I am so behind. Hope you will post some tips and experiences of studying the CPA exams on this blog. Thanks

  2. Thank you for leaving the coment.

    Yes, I am taking three more exams next week.
    Therefore, I need to visit United States.
    It costs much...

    Anyway, Only thing I can tell you about a CPA exam
    is that keeping paracticing the problems again and again is the shortest way to pass the exam.
    If you want to check tips, following site is nice.

