
What would you do, if...

You are asked by a pedestrian on a road, “What time is it now?”
but you don’t have a watch. What would you do?
This is the story when I was in Portland, OR.

It was the second or third day since I started to live in
United States for studing English.
That day I left my watch in my apartment. Although I really need
to know the time, there was no big clock around me.
There was no way to know the time. As a last resort, I asked a
woman the time with my all courage I had.
I can remember she was blond and beautiful and
I guess she was in her mid 20th.

She checked her wrist and looked like she remembered
she had also left her watch somewhere same as me.
Then she moved into the shocking action, at least for me.
She suddenly shouted,

“Hey, what time is it now? He wants know!!”

I was so surprised because I had not expected at all she would do
it when I asked her. But, surprising part was not over.

Almost simultaneously, several people responded from
respective directions.


It was just like an echo in a mountain.
I was shocked and at the same time I said in my mind, “Wow,
they are kind and interesting.” I realized I was in United States.

I thought I had to express my appreciation. So, I also shouted,
“Thank you very much!!” That time, it was so embarrassing.

Oh, it is good memory of my life in Portland. I can remember as
if it were yesterday.

So, what I want to say is that Portland is good place to visit.
People are nice and kind. Put this city into your want to visit list.
I am really sorry no catchy punch line in this story.

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